About Me

Hello Everyone! This is Hridyanand here, currently living in Gurgaon, India. Luckily you find me, I don't know what brought you here, whatever it is, I'm here for you and I'm ready to help you in whatever way I can.

So, friends, I want to give a brief introduction about me, I'm a B.tech (Bachelor of Technology) graduate from Electronics and communication department, as like many of you, thanks to The great Indian Education system. After 4 years of college, I got Job in an MNC, I'm working there for past 2 years. But, as we all know, If there was one way to describe your current job it would be boring, but no matter what kind of Job I have, I can't deny a fact that it made me learn a lot. The old philosophical thought asks "If a tree falls in a forest and no-one is around to hear it, does it make a sound". The Same thing is applied to the corporate world, No matter how talented you are, If you not able to make it notice to the people around you, Then nobody has time to care or concern for you.


"Dreams are not the thing you see in sleep but is that thing that doesn't let you sleep", one of the famous quotes by A.P.J Abdul Kalam, these are not a simple plain text it has some deep meaning, writing was always my first love, because I believe words have power and I always want to write about what I feel. Through this blog, I'm covering the story of some ordinary people who had done the extraordinary thing in their life, who lived up their dream, in a very unfavourable, distressing, inopportune circumstances. They are the Real Heroes or paragon and a True inspiration for all of us most of the time their story remain unheard, undiscovered. My small attempt to make it heard to the World!.


We all are superheroes but we need the inspiration to act like them. There are many stories of some ordinary people which reminds us of the power of challenging ourselves to do extraordinary out of the ordinary things. 

If you have any such story of the ordinary people doing extraordinary things write to me. 

Email id- hridya2012@gmail.com
